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As our dear brother Rumi once said,

Don’t regret what’s happened. If it's in the past; let it go. Dont even remember it!

If you’re ready for a major life change, make a major life decision to let go of anything that doesn’t feel like a warm winter soup coating your belly on an autumn day. Do not settle for anything less than sheer joy, let the Universe surprise you with graceful changes for the better. Make room by releasing without fear or attachment because only when you make real room can things come through.

New beginnings can happen every day, we can choose to take a cold Wimhof bath and start off with a fresh juice extract instead of coffee and a brioche, but who really is ready to do this? Or it's equivalent in another representation?

The questions we should ask ourselves are, am I making the internal shift to create true growth-focused beginnings? Am I connected and grounded to my own body? Am I doing it with love for myself first that radiates outward? With intention? With purpose? Am I trying to control anything? Am I able to recognize and incorporate the infinite resources around me and within me?

And most importantly, am I willing to be uncomfortable in the process of shedding layers to become someone new? To be surprised and open about every single new thing that comes my way, trusting that something even better is waiting around the corner.

We might think we are doing everything to expect the blessings of this Universe, and yet, perhaps we are still sabotaging ourselves from the glorious unknown that has no room to come in until we allow it. We need not let go of everything, even just a little will come back with high returns.

What helps you stay relaxed about it all is a gentle knowing to remain in a state of magical wonderment about how what you desire already exists in the future. There is really nowhere to get to. Just be! Grab it. Let go of perfection. Good enough is divine. Forget the past, there is nothing to process when you feel good in this moment. Embrace the open slate of new beginnings.

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When your wings feel broken, and every thought in your mind seems to be fighting against you, remember who you are and what you are here for.

Judgment comes from a place of pain. Limitation. When we judge ourselves for not being worthy, deserving then we keep ourselves trapped inside of those parts of us that are asking to be expressed.

Maybe you tried harder where others would have given up, and dared to see love in places where others turned their glances. This is all proof of your extraordinary light to shine onto this world, and fertilizer for the beautiful garden of blessings that is yours to claim.

The sooner you let go of what is not coming to you with ease, that which is not bringing you closer to your destiny and joy and loving satisfaction, the quicker your Universal entourage can rearrage things for you. Trust in this. Things happen in accordance to a greater plan, but you must align to it with the right frequency, one where you recognize your worthiness.

Hoping and wanting for something is one of the worst ways to use our energy because when wanting something it is sending a message of lack, and that we are incomplete without it.

So, take your power back! Celebrate and feel complete inside that you always have your strength. Do not regret your ability to love and to trust, and to have put yourself out there, be grateful for it. It was all for a purpose, to help you learn and grow. Love every part of you that came to be. And never be afraid to keep wearing that same heart on your sleeve that brought you here, over and over, because your love was never the problem, it was the solution.

If something has blocked your way, and you feel that you have no control over it, you do. If something is sucking the life force out of you, learn to set boundaries, or let go of that situation, say no. It's trying to teach you something, everything changes when you take perspective from your own inner truth.

Step by step; you will rise.

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Fear is insidious and hides behind many strange doors we'd never suspect.

I recently heard someone refer to the ego as Mr. Stupid, and I thought it was quite sympathique. If it helps to impersonate the conscious mind that convinces you it knows everything and makes you believe your thoughts are who you are, then Mr. Stupid would be the name. In the face of fear, Mr. Stupid often falls victim and wants you to fold to other people's scripts in society.

The thing about Fear is that it has no power or control over you unless you believe in it and create it yourself. The beach is full of sand, but the sandcastle is there only when you make it. If you don't believe in something, that thing has no power over you, so let it go. You don't want to believe black cats crossing the street cause misfortune? Then don't! I once had a black cat, and she was always crossing our street. I am happy to report she was a wonderful cat and life continues to be a blessing.

No one is injecting misery into your life unless you yourself do so by creating it or allowing it in, fear is an illusion that is part of the scripts we have made up in society and is meant to exist for entertainment purposes only. Like a good thriller on a Thursday night.

We always have free will though, we are so free that we can believe in fear and shackles of control if we want to. We can scare ourselves to death if we want to, we can do anything! But keep in mind that no one is doing anything to you, you are doing it all to yourself. The very thing you are afraid of, you create, and the thing you create that you are most afraid of is the very thing you will eventually have to face and conquer.

We came to Earth to learn emotions and face limitations, to explore the ways to embrace and experience everyday challenges but not to be bogged down by them permanently! That is not the way it is meant to be. We are meant to pass these tests, to overcome the trickster state of fear, lack, of powerlessness to the situations that surround us. At the end of it all, what will you have learned? Whatever you believe, that will be true so choose carefully. Do not spend your time fearing undesirable outcomes, suspicious scenarios and unpleasant feelings when multiple, infinitely more incredible possibilities exist.

The only real thing is Love. Love your life, love your challenges, love Yourself enough to reframe or dismiss what does not empower you to find growth.

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