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Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Mind is dividing, Heart is Inviting

I heard this quote on a podcast today in relation to how couples in romantic partnership can navigate between desire-driven decisions of the ego and heart-centered choices that hold a greater purpose for deeply loving souls to expand. A very esoteric way of describing when it might be okay to open the relationship and when it would be best to keep things safely ''closed''.

Suddenly, unprompted, I feel compelled to figure out my stance on the matter, despite being single today. I've had my fair share of relationships, all of which have been monogamous. This is the perspective I am writing from so I cannot offer additional anecdotal evidence that an open structure works.

However, I am open to being open. At least, that's what the cool me would say. If I were to imagine myself in the deepest form of body, mind and soul love with someone, and they with me, would there be room perhaps to flirt with the idea of allowing one another to explore their sexual curiosities? In a way that is loving, and not possessive of this love.

In the context of a proper long-term relationship, whatever that means to you, where many cycles have been opened and closed by two people; years and years of committed flourishing... perhaps even decades, if those curiosities do not get fed, where do they go? Is there potential for repression and inevitably, an implosion of sorts?

From a purely logical perspective, wouldn't it make sense to prevent a crisis rather than wait for the train to crash in your faces? Or is there a different trick that monogamous couples have up their sleeves?

I would love to believe that the person I choose to be with will be able to continuously grow with and satisfy all or most of my sexual needs, and I theirs. That novelty and desire flow abundantly in the cups we separately drink from and grapevines are dangling proverbially into our necks. I've never been in a situation where the sex started to feel unappealing because my longest relationship was next to 4 years and that component did not particularly suffer, though I'd be remiss to say it did not lose a bit of novelty.

I understand the notion that when you age your libido tends to go down, and ideally this would happen in tandem with your partner's... But what I cannot comprehend are couples who are together years and years and haven't been intimate for months, or even years. I cannot immagine this. And if this were the case in my relationship, I would certainly look outside for it and if this were the case for my partner, I certainly wouldn't blame them for doing it. So at this point, why the heck not try it out together?

From a purely logical perspective, wouldn't it make sense to prevent a crisis rather than wait for when you have to manage it?

With a vaccine, you prevent the disease by injecting a part of the disease inside of you so that your body learns to defend itself against that disease. Along those lines, wouldn't it make sense to cure a potential sexual infidelity with a little injection of outside sex?

And for those who go on these crazy dry spells, are they also not interested in self pleasure? How is this possible that so many people's lights go out totally, and suddenly the energy comes back from a different tower.

What if my partner and I allowed each other the space to explore a different flavor of human being because outside of our journeys together, our own individual journeys were curious to experience it? What if we not only ''allowed'' it, but also loved each other through it, without feeling divided by our own minds, but rather expanded in our hearts from it.

Yes, I think this is my answer. There is nothing to be afraid of. Though I cannot imagine tiring of monogamy, ten years into my beautiful future lifetime partnership, perhaps we could open the gates.

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Always remember, you are the train and you are the track. You also get to choose your destination, the surrounding environment, and the people you let on board with you.

Lessons happen cyclically, like walking on a spiral staircase, each circle narrows closer and closer as you walk down, so the distance of recovery between one lesson and another shortens. In this way, repeated lessons take marginal amounts of time to relive and generally speaking, with each one passed, the next one comes faster.

When you learn your lessons faster, inevitably you'll attract more stimulating challenges so that you can continuously accelerate your growth path. This can be discomforting if you had planned on coasting through life on a rubber tube down the proverbial river, but should that be your vision, that can certainly be so even while you continue living and learning lessons.

Lessons are here to teach us a variety of things. They can come to help reaffirm who we are, asking that we assert ourselves once more on what we don't want so we get quicker at it, and more efficient at life. They can come to show us something surprising, scary and unexpected that we never knew needed to be aware of! To teach us how brave we can be in the moment. They can also come in the form of anything that wasn't love in a situation we had hoped would turn out much differently than it did. In all cases, better to go for it and get a lesson than to sit still and fear a mistake.

When these lessons, humbling moments, teachings, clarifications, blocks in our path show up, we must choose the path that is most truthful to us. Whether it is simple or difficult, especially if it is difficult, we must choose the path of truth at all costs. There are varying degrees of consequences for not choosing the path of truth and least resistance, for example you can choose to stubbornly wait in the in the wrong traffic lane and miss out on getting home a little sooner, or you can choose to marry the wrong person and live a miserable life that ends in a bitter divorce with possibly 50% of your assets. It's on you! But each little decision made in truth that is unafraid of receiving a lesson will reward you in immeasurable ways when it comes to the big picture of life.

When you can identify, process and neutralize the lessons that come your way, then you get it. Then everything stops being a coincidence and turns into an interconnected place of attraction and reaction. Then people and things have no power over you because no matter what happens you are using it to better yourself and your own decisions in the future.

Don't be afraid to hop on board that train of truth. You may backtrack a bit, but it will always lead you to the only destination that is worth reaching. Your own!

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